Academic CV
I am currently an Inria postdoctoral researcher in the DEVINE team, under the supervision of Nathalie Bertrand.
My research interests include (and are not limited to):
- Automata theory,
- Active and passive automata learning,
- Timed automata,
- Formal verification,
- Game theory.
My PhD was jointly supervised by Véronique Bruyère (University of Mons) and Guillermo A. Pérez (University of Antwerp). I defended my thesis on September 11, 2024. More details can be consulted on a dedicated page.
A PDF version of this resume is available here.
Research Experience
Supervisors: Véronique Bruyère (University of Mons) and Guillermo A. Perez (University of Antwerp).
Supervisor: Véronique Bruyère.
Supervisor: Guillermo A. Perez.
Supervisors: Aline Goeminne, Thomas Brihaye, Véronique Bruyère, and Hadrien Mélot.
Please consult the dedicated page.
Implementation of oracles to actively learn a JSON document from a JSON schema, of an algorithm to validate streaming JSON documents against a schema, and benchmarks to compare our algorithm and the classical algorithm.
See our paper “Validating Streaming JSON Documents with Learned VPAs” for more information.
See also the project “JSON Schema Tools” for the classical algorithm.
Implementation of tools to manipulate JSON schemas, to generate (randomly or exhaustively) JSON documents from a schema, and to validate a JSON document against a schema.
See our paper “Validating Streaming JSON Documents with Learned VPAs” for more information.
See also the project “Validating JSON Documents with Learned VPAs” for a new validation algorithm.
Implementation of an active automata learning for realtime one-counter automata, and benchmarks based on randomly generated automata and on JSON documents.
See our paper “Learning Realtime One-Counter Automata” for more information.
Implementation of an active learning algorithm dedicated to visibly one-counter automata, based on a paper by Daniel Neider and Christof Löding: Learning Visibly One-Counter Automata in Polynomial Time.
This project was realized during my internship at University of Antwerp, under the supervision of Guillermo A. Pérez
Talks and events
Please consult the dedicated page.
Teaching duties and supervision
Please consult the dedicated page.
Collective and administrative responsibilities
Outreach experience
With Véronique Bruyère and computer science students, we introduced the ideas behind various sorting algorithms.
Council member
Informant role
Natural languages
Programming languages
During the academic year 2016-2017, I won the 454th place (out of 5558) in University CodeSprint, and my team won the 43d place in the Benelux Algorithm Programming Contest (BAPC).