Gaëtan Staquet

Academic CV


I am currently an Inria postdoctoral researcher in the DEVINE team, under the supervision of Nathalie Bertrand.

My research interests include (and are not limited to):

My PhD was jointly supervised by Véronique Bruyère (University of Mons) and Guillermo A. Pérez (University of Antwerp). I defended my thesis on September 11, 2024. More details can be consulted on a dedicated page.

A PDF version of this resume is available here.

Research Experience

Inria postdoctoral researcher
01 Oct 2024 ‐ Ongoing
Inria, in the DEVINE team
Under the supervision of Nathalie Bertrand
Research Fellow of the F.R.S.-FNRS (PhD Thesis)
01 Oct 2020 ‐ 30 Sep 2024
F.R.S.-FNRS, University of Mons, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Title: Improvement of the state of the art regarding the theory of learning algorithms for automata models extended with resources and its applications to black-box model-checking.
Supervisors: Véronique Bruyère (University of Mons) and Guillermo A. Perez (University of Antwerp).
Research Stay
01 Aug 2023 ‐ 27 Oct 2023
Radboud Universiteit, The Netherlands
Research stay to collaborate with Frits W. Vaandrager.
Master’s Thesis
01 Dec 2019 ‐ 15 Jun 2020
University of Mons, Belgium
Title: Efficient Learning of Automata and Automata with One Counter.
Supervisor: Véronique Bruyère.
09 Sep 2019 ‐ 03 Dec 2019
University of Antwerp, Belgium
Implementation of an active learning algorithm for visibly one-counter automata.
Supervisor: Guillermo A. Perez.
Research initiation internship
01 Aug 2018 ‐ 31 Aug 2018
University of Mons, Belgium
Subject: Efficient algorithms for Nash equilibrium computation.
Supervisors: Aline Goeminne, Thomas Brihaye, Véronique Bruyère, and Hadrien Mélot.


Best paper award at FORMATS 2023 for our paper Automata with Timers


Please consult the dedicated page.


Validating JSON Documents with Learned VPAs

Implementation of oracles to actively learn a JSON document from a JSON schema, of an algorithm to validate streaming JSON documents against a schema, and benchmarks to compare our algorithm and the classical algorithm.
See our paper “Validating Streaming JSON Documents with Learned VPAs” for more information. See also the project “JSON Schema Tools” for the classical algorithm.

JSON Schema Tools

Implementation of tools to manipulate JSON schemas, to generate (randomly or exhaustively) JSON documents from a schema, and to validate a JSON document against a schema.
See our paper “Validating Streaming JSON Documents with Learned VPAs” for more information.
See also the project “Validating JSON Documents with Learned VPAs” for a new validation algorithm.

Learning Realtime One-Counter Automata

Implementation of an active automata learning for realtime one-counter automata, and benchmarks based on randomly generated automata and on JSON documents.
See our paper “Learning Realtime One-Counter Automata” for more information.

Learning Visibly One-Counter Automata

Implementation of an active learning algorithm dedicated to visibly one-counter automata, based on a paper by Daniel Neider and Christof Löding: Learning Visibly One-Counter Automata in Polynomial Time.
This project was realized during my internship at University of Antwerp, under the supervision of Guillermo A. Pérez

Talks and events

Please consult the dedicated page.

Teaching duties and supervision

Please consult the dedicated page.

Collective and administrative responsibilities


Reviewer for LMCS
Reviewer for GandALF, FMSD, and MFCS

Outreach experience

Participation to the “Printemps des Sciences” (“Spring of Sciences”), a vulgarization festival for the general public.
With Véronique Bruyère and computer science students, we introduced the ideas behind various sorting algorithms.
25 and 26 March 2023
À vous de jouer, a vulgarization workshop for high school students, in the context of the “Journées Math-Sciences” (“Days Math-Sciences”) at University of Mons. This was a joint work with Chloé Capon, Aline Goeminne, Nicolas Lecomte, James Main, Mickael Randour, Alexandre Terefenko, and Pierre Vandenhove.
23 and 24 March 2023

Council member

Member of the Faculty Council
October 2020 to September 2024
Member of the Council of the Computer Science Department
November 2021 to September 2024

Informant role

Informant at the University of Mons’ open house day
Informant at the University of Mons’ open house day
Informant at the Brussels SIEP fair


Natural languages

English (Fluent)
French (Native)

Programming languages

Java (Advanced)
LaTeX, with TikZ (Advanced)
Python (Intermediate)
Prolog (Advanced beginner)
Scheme (Advanced beginner)
Modern C++ (Advanced beginner)
C (Advanced beginner)
Rust (Beginner)


During the academic year 2016-2017, I won the 454th place (out of 5558) in University CodeSprint, and my team won the 43d place in the Benelux Algorithm Programming Contest (BAPC).
